

Return to Compete Physical Therapy Clinic is a clinic like no other. Here our goal is first, injury reduction through education and safe movement through our Unrivaled Strength Academy. Here we provide our athletes with a college level strength program. We believe that overtraining and early specialization create poor habits in athletes that mute their natural abilities and place them at injury risk. Here at Return to Compete, we keep training sessions small, no more than 6 athletes per trainer, and gradually prepare athletes for college level strength training. Our goal is to cultivate athletes to become well rounded and grounded individuals in strength, power, speed, nutrition, and recovery. Our program focuses on the importance of solid lifting mechanics in order to increase our athletes longevity and excellence in their sport.
Secondly, our PT clinic allows injured athletes to recover with their strength and sport goals in mind. It is our upmost importance that an athlete continues to safely train with their fellow athletes while they rehab from injury.

With our extensive experiences in high-school, college, and professional athletics, we strive to prepare our athletes with the proper lifting education, mechanics, and preparedness for a long and healthy athletic career. We also aim to empower athletes with proper recovery, nutrition, and mindset.
Our Strength Program is geared toward 12-22 year old athletes looking to become well educated and well rounded for Collegiate Sports.
Our Program includes:
No more than 6 athletes per trainer
2 Ninety minute sessions with individualized program through True Coach App
Injury Reduction Programming along with Capacity testing and Quarterly meetings for each athlete
Nutrition and Recovery Education

Movement for Life
Whether you come through our doors after surgery or you are ready for a hard lifting session, your priorities are our goals. The services offered at Return to Compete PT have been years in the making. Whether you are an up and coming DI athlete, or a new athlete, our clinic will strive to provide you with evidence based research and to educate you and empower you on all aspects of your sport and health.